God hates us all
Hank Moody | Jonathan GrotensteinOne thing to keep in mind is that this book is not only a work of fiction, it is also written by a fictional character based on a fictional life and fictional events of another fictional story... So to say that this book is a work of fiction is an understatement.
For those who follow the show Californication this book will be interesting because it will further expand our knowledge of the book that is almost the center piece of season 1 and is referred to constantly throughout the show and further explores Hanks past in NY.
For those who do NOT watch the show, it's simply a good story, told in a very appealing narration. After reading the book, it is really easy to understand why the title is God Hates Us All.
Idioma Inglés
Publicación 2009
Editorial Simon Spotlight Entertainment
Categoría Narrativa
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